Tree Removal Services

Need a tree out of your yard! We can help!

The Importance of Large Tree Removal

It’s not difficult to recognize the value of having mature trees on your property. They are a haven and safe harbor for many different types of birds and animals, thus enhancing the biodiversity of your landscape. They also provide much-needed shade and will help to keep a garden cooler in the hottest months of the year. During fall, the leaves carpet the ground and provide essential nutrients to the soil.

Trees are also very attractive, especially when they blossom. They usually require very little maintenance. However, there are occasions when trees become a problem. This is where they need to be dealt with swiftly, by the professionally. Our team of tree removal experts can help!

Tree Removal

  • Tree Cutting
  • Stump Removal

When Trees Become an Issue

Like any other living thing, trees are vulnerable to disease and pests. Even large, mature trees can become sick and begin dying. A dying tree becomes weak and is far more likely to break or fall.

Storms are another big hazard for trees – and your home. One of the most common types of storm damage to homes is when a tree has been hit by lightning or high winds and has landed on the property. The cost to remove the tree and repair the damage can be huge.

Finally, while trees do require very little maintenance, they need to be kept under control. Cutting them back is one option, but if a tree has simply grown too large, it may get to the point where it now poses a safety risk.

When You Need a Tree Removal Service

If you have a damaged or sick tree on your property, unfortunately, the best thing to do is to contact a tree removal company to get rid of it. You don’t want to risk the damaged tree falling on your property or, worse still, falling on and hurting a person. Tree removal is the only way to keep everything safe in this situation.

Similarly, if a tree has grown too large for your property, it may now be time to say goodbye. If the tree is too close to your house, it poses a falling risk. Furthermore, you’ll likely find that it blocks a lot of the natural light from reaching your home, costing you more energy bills.

What Does Large Tree Removal Involve?

If you’ve decided it’s time to say goodbye to a tree, then you need to call in the experts. You should never attempt to remove a tree yourself. Without the proper knowledge and equipment, a tree can easily fall in the wrong place and cause a lot of unwanted damage.

We will come and perform an assessment of the unwanted tree. To determine the cost of the removal, we consider factors such as location, size, required equipment, manpower, and any risk or safety concerns. Once we have determined the best way to remove the tree, we will arrange a day and time to come and do it.

What About Stump Removal?

It is, of course, up to you whether or not you want to keep the stump in the ground. As part of the tree removal service, we will make recommendations on the best way to deal with the stump.

Leaving it in the ground can eventually create a problem. As it rots, you may find it becomes a host for unwanted pests such as ants. If you’re willing to risk this, we can leave the stump alone. If you’d prefer it gone, there are two removal methods available:

  • Complete removal: It’s possible to remove the entire stump and root network. This can be incredibly disruptive to the surrounding area and require a lot of manpower and equipment. The upside is that you have a clear patch of ground to do what you want.
  • Grinding: Alternatively, we are able to grind the stump down to ground level. This leaves you with a flat surface and won’t disturb the ground, but the root network will remain intact, limiting what you can use the land for.

    If you require large tree removal, part of the assessment will include determining how best to deal with the stump. Our landscape designers can quickly see which method will be most beneficial for your outdoor space.

    What Happens to the Tree After Removal?

    After the tree removal has taken place, you have several options about what to do with the tree. If you don’t need or want it, we can simply take it away for you.

    Other options include running it through the chipper to give you plenty of mulch or splitting it into logs to use in your fireplace.

    Again, we will recommend what can be done with the remaining wood. A severely diseased tree, for example, may be unusable and will need removal from the premises.

    How Do I Know if A Tree Needs Removing?

    It may not always be obvious if you need a large tree removal service. Therefore, it’s beneficial to perform an annual assessment of your trees. After winter is a good time to do this as this is typically when they sustain the most damage. Learn to look and identify the following:

    • The tree is leaning too much
    • A lot of cracks, cavities, and crevices have developed in the trunk
    • There is obvious rot and decay on any part of the trunk
    • There are a lot of broken, dead, or hanging branches
    • The foliage looks diseased. This often results in yellowed or brown leaves or leaves with brown or rusty looking spots
    • Too many branches are resting or close by to power lines or buildings

    If you are unsure about whether or not a tree should be removed, give us a call. We’ll help guide you. We are experts in large tree removal and can therefore give you expert advice on your situation and if you require tree removal.

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